Electrical Preventive Maintenance in Dallas, Texas

It is essentially important to carry out electrical maintenance on a regular basis; maintaining all the electrical material fittings, appliances, and devices in and around your home. Maintenance enhances the smooth running of all the electricity-powered items in your home while creating a safe environment that will be free from all sorts of hazards. Home safety is obviously one of the most dearly held goals by most, if not all, homeowners everywhere. A home is designed to be a safe haven for its dwellers, and therefore anything and everything that favors home safety should always be accorded first priority. Electrical maintenance for the home is without question, one of the foremost and sure steps towards fostering a safe home.

Of the various ways, there are of maintaining your home’s electrical fixtures, the most efficient way is to make certain that you pass regular checks on all electrical installations in your home. That will, in most cases, be best accomplished by an experienced electrical professional contracted to do so by you.

Importance of Proper and Timely Electrical Maintenance

When regular electrical maintenance checks are carried out for a home, various unwelcomed mishaps associated with electricity get avoided in an opportune manner. When such mishaps are avoided, it makes it easy to escape unplanned and often very high expenses of repairing or even replacing badly affected electrical devices due to small problems that would have otherwise been detected and dealt with earlier.

In terms of home safety, the proper and timely maintenance of key electrical components of a home ensures that safety is not only activated in multiple ways but upheld as well. Below are four key points where proper and timely electrical maintenance translates directly to home safety:

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

However, there are instances where the proper working of the HVAC could mean more than just a convenience. Take for instance, a home where there are senior citizens, small children, or even a sick person; for such people, extreme heat variations, whether up or down on the thermometer, can result in life-threatening complications. Such extreme heat variations would only happen in a malfunctioning HVAC system, and this is something that would have been avoided altogether through properly scheduled electrical maintenance of all its components in a timely manner like say, before the onset of winter or summer.

Outdoor Lighting

However, there are instances where the proper working of the HVAC could mean more than just a convenience. Take for instance, a home where there are senior citizens, small children, or even a sick person; for such people, extreme heat variations, whether up or down on the thermometer, can result in life-threatening complications. Such extreme heat variations would only happen in a malfunctioning HVAC system, and this is something that would have been avoided altogether through properly scheduled electrical maintenance of all its components in a timely manner like say, before the onset of winter or summer.

DIY Risks

The urge to do things yourself when it comes to taking care of your home is always there and often comes with a great feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. Even as DIY comes off as a good thing, there are those things that are advisably better left to the experts, and electrical repairs top that list. With a properly planned electrical maintenance schedule and a reliable contractor, you should never have the need to attempt to replace your old wiring or something like that, because that would be a dangerous thing to attempt a DIY on.

Fire Hazards

A home fire can be very devastating to the homeowner, and that is to say, the least since such fires can even result in the loss of lives. Electrical faults are one of the leading causes of fires in homes, and that almost always occurs as a result of problems associated with the wiring. The heat from the wiring can, over time, degrade their protective covering to a point where it gets completely broken down. When that happens, bare wires are left at the mercy of their getting in contact with each other, shorting and sparking up a fire right there within the walls of your home, or other areas where these lines run. There are normally signs that would if noted, alert you when your wiring has become old and degraded. These include the constant tripping of breaker switches, those brown and discolored wall sockets or outlets, and the occasional electrical shocks that you get when plugging in an appliance or simply touching it while it is plugged in.

We recommend regular (2 times a year) Electrical Preventive Maintenance for Residential Locations:

  • Regular Electrical inspections of the electrical equipment in all living areas including bedrooms, kitchens, lounges, hallways, and bathrooms.
  •  Regular (2 times a year) close examination of inlets, circuit breakers, panelboards, and electrical distribution systems.
  • Detailed surveys of residential feeders and various service equipment.
  • Checking indoor and outdoor lighting, relays, and control panels.
  • Monitoring of running electrical systems in hazardous locations.
  • Initial and finished surveys of special occupancy units

Electrical works by professional electrical contractor.

We make all electrical works such as switch boards,  lights, receptacles and external electrical items installation and replacement. Also as a Licensed Electrical Contactor we can make Electrical Preventive Maintenance.

Fuse Regular Electrical Preventive Maintenance Checklist:

  • Check cable assemblies and other wiring methods in rooms, hallways, stairways, and attics.
  • Check cable installations and circuit boxes for general suitability.
  • Examine boxes for warning lights and other irregularities.
  •  Ensure equipment grounding conductors are suitable for use according to the size and quantity of equipment.
  • Examine lighting outlets and ensure they are properly wider on general lighting circuits.
  • Inspect wall and countertop receptacle spacing and proximity to heat, cold, and water sources.
  • Survey relevant receptacle outlets for branch circuit type.
  • Identify and repair frayed wires close to water outlets in bathrooms.
  • Look for irregular wiring arrangements and lighting outlets on walls.
  • Check the grounding electrode conductor connections and buried connections for heat damage or suitable placement.
  • Examine and repair electrical surge protection units (where installed).
  • Inspect timers, power supply units, relays, and control wiring for humidity or temperature damage, as well as regular wear.
  • Detect signs of electrical disturbance as an indicator of minor shorts and sparking.
  • Ensure proper voltage in all rooms and areas of majority electrical usage.

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